Create a Better World for Everyone by Supporting VegFest

Help inspire people throughout New England to choose plant-based living by supporting VegFest with a gift. Your generosity will power our efforts to create and sustain a welcoming vegan community that encourages people to choose plant-based options that benefit everyone.

Through our programs, VegFest puts the focus on our participants, encouraging people to support veg-friendly businesses and causes. As a 501c3 non-profit, VegFest needs your support too, so that we can continue our good work!

By donating to VegFest, you help...

  • Put on New England’s greatest celebration of plant-based living, the New England VegFest.
  • Bring community members together to enjoy plant-based food and learn about vegan and animal advocacy issues at pop-ups, cookie swaps, educational events, and more.
  • Promote vegan restaurants and encourage other restaurants to offer more plant-based dishes.
  • Spread messages of compassion for farm animals and highlight the cruelty of animal-based food production.
  • Lay the foundation for more exciting plant-based programs

Thank you so much for your support!

VegFest is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 45-4305077.

Support VegFest with a Gift

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